Sunday: Adult Sunday School 9:45 am, Main Gathering 10:45 am

Monday: Ladies Bible Study 6:30 pm

Wednesday: AWANA Program 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm and Prayer Meeting 7-8:10 pm

Thursday: Ladies Bible Study 9:30 am

“And all who believed were together…” (Acts 2:44 ESV)

We gather together to glorify God for his love in Christ, praising, thanking, praying, singing, confessing, repenting, refreshing. Ever since the church began, it exists in communities of followers of Jesus. No lone-rangers. He has saved those who trust Christ to belong together. We worship God by drawing near to him as a whole church in our Sunday gathering, and we welcome you to join us. We want to gather, not for our entertainment, nor for putting on a show, but for everyone present to meet with God. Our prayer is that when we meet with God, the church is reoriented to God, and those exploring Christianity encounter Christ. For this reason, our gatherings are both relaxed and reverent. Do not put on your Sunday best (unless you want to), and leave your church “mask” at home—we are all sinners in need of a Savior.

“the word of the truth, the gospel, which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you…” (Colossians 1:5–6 ESV)

We want to grow in mature faith in Christ Jesus, a faith that works itself out through love (Galatians 5:6). The love of fellow believers for one another is the main mark of Christian growth and maturity. We use the term “grow” because it is what we want to happen, but it is also something we cannot make happen. Paul knows this and tells a church, regarding their experience of God: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:6). We want God to grow us as we participate in tending each other for growing in Christ’s likeness.

Growing involves caring for the spiritual and physical good of one another by telling one another the gospel, and exercising our gifts to build up the body of Christ. We do this by meeting together in small groups for learning the Bible, encouraging one another in each other’s faith, and praying for and with each other. Join one of our small groups below to grow with others in the Gospel.

Adult Sunday School Class

Sundays 9:45 am - 10:30 am

Prayer Meeting

Wednesday 6:15pm - 8:15 pm

Ladies Bible Studies

Two opportunities to join a group and grow in the gospel by meeting to study the Bible and praying together.

Monday Evenings 6:30 pm

Thursday Mornings 9:30 am

Come for spiritual refreshment and friendship. Contact the church for more details and directions.

Faith Bible Institute - Earn college credits!

New Study Group begins January 14th 10am to 1pm

This group will be meeting once a week for 17 weeks. Each session lasts for 3 hours with breaks. You can actually earn college credits with this study. There is a cost involved but the first 2 sessions are free so that you can get a feel for what is going on and to check and see if it would be a good fit for you. It is offered by Faith Bible Institute (FBI) it’s a Chronological study of the Bible and is taught on DVD by Johnny Yates from Monroe Baptist Church in Louisiana. Call the office for complete details. The classes are also available online for those who participate. More details at https://www.faithbibleinstitute.com/


AWANA is for children 3yrs to 6th grade to learn about God in the Bible. Meets Wednesdays, 6:15-8:15pm, September through May. Please contact Kathleen Morrison with questions by calling the office @ 269.628.2139.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19 ESV)

We believe the church exists as God’s “light of the world” and a “city on a hill” (Matthew 5:14). God is a Redeemer. He loves all people, and has acted decisively in Christ, crucified and risen, to rescue mankind from sin and death. God is redeeming his world. God wants Covey Hill and every church to join in his mission by being a counter-cultural community of love in and for the world. We believe that every member of Covey Hill is sent—sent to family, friends, coworkers, schoolmates, hunting buddies, etc. to speak and act out the good news about Jesus. In addition to every person at Covey Hill being sent, we have plans in motion to more fully obey God’s mission as an entire church. Come and join in the mission with us, or perhaps come and hear for the first time that God came to redeem you.


  • AWANA Missionaries Scott & Leah Connors
    AWANA is a children’s ministry that meets on Wednesday Evenings Sept. - May.

    AWANA Clubs are built on the 3B ministry philosophy of child discipleship: Belong, Believe, Become. Children build spiritual resilience when they feel they belong to Jesus, when they believe in the truth of the Bible and then become disciple makers in their own right. https://www.awana.org/

    Children ages 3 through 6th grade are welcome at the Covey Hill AWANA meetings!

    Please call the church office at 269.628.2139 for details and complete AWANA calendar.


    Jim Bontrager is a U.S. Marine. In January 2024 he celebrated 20 years of volunteer service as Chaplain to the Elkhart, Indiana Police Department.

    Most of that time he served as Lead Chaplain. He has created many events designed to encourage and uplift police officers including Officers Appreciation Day to encourage police officers and their families. He was elected President of the International Conference of Police Chaplains. Covey Hill has supported him financially and prayerfully since early 2015.

  • Steve and Becky Swope have been missionaries with New Tribes Mission since 1989. They first served at two different schools for children of missionaries in Bolivia but have worked in a stateside ministry with missionary kids since 2009. Currently they are based in Elkhart, Indiana and work with the Member Care Department with NTM, focusing on helping college- age MKs with cultural transition. They also speak to churches and individuals about how they can be a part of caring for missionary kids and missionary families. They have three children: Tim (23), Kyle (22), and Stephanie (19).

  • Release Time Bible Class is an essential mission serving our community. Once a month, students from Gobles Elementary School meet at Covey Hill Baptist Church for one hour to sing worship songs, pray together, and hear a story from God’s Word that they can apply to their daily lives. 

    Covey Hill financially supports Brian Wright who is the missionary from Rural Bible Mission for our area that leads Released Bible Time Class. He serves 36 schools each month in Cass, St. Joseph, Berrien and Van Buren Counties.

    Released Time Bible Class (RTBC) is a way for boys and girls in public schools to be released from school during the school day to receive religious instruction. Under Michigan law, children can be released from school “while in attendance at religious instruction classes for not more than 2 class hours per week, off public school property during public school hours, upon written request of the parent, guardian or person in loco parentis.” – Michigan Compiled Laws 380.156I(3)(d). https://rbmministries.org/ministries/#rtbc

  • Rural Bible Ministries – Paul & Cindy Spotts

    Paul & Cindy have been serving the Lord with RBM Ministries since 1988. Covey Hill has prayerfully & financially supported them since the beginning. Paul is the Director of Field Development and is available for pulpit supply, if you can catch him between his many Released Time Bible Classes and Vacation Bible Schools! The goal of this missionary family is to serve the Lord through local churches.

  • Tapestry of Love Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry serving in Magdalena, Guatemala.

    TOLM works through holistic ministry by investing in the lives of children, individuals, families, and communities.

    They currently are working on expanding their school, Mount Saini Christian School and eventually would like to construct a community center with medical services for the community.

    Covey Hill Baptist Church supports this ministries for a little over a year.

    They also have low cost individual sponsorships for teachers and the students.

    We are praying to have a mission team go in November 2025 to serve this ministry.


  • Located in Paw Paw Michigan, Wings of God Transition Home is a faith-based, Christian living environment for women who have been previously incarcerated. These women are afforded the opportunity to obtain the help, training, treatment, and support for permanent, positive re-entry into the community. https://wingsofgodinc.org/

    Covey Hill has been a financial supporter since 2012 and is the host location and provides a luncheon for their bi-annual Adopt-A-Highway participation.

  • Jack & Marilyn Slough serve under Association of Baptist for World Evangelism (A.B.W.E.) and ministered to the people of Norway since Covey Hill began supporting them in 1980. They are now retired and reside in Taylors, South Carolina.

  • Jerry & Jackie Hopkins serve as retired missionaries with Baptist Church Planters, and have devoted their lives to helping struggling churches in the United States, as well as beginning new works in areas which are in need of a church. They are involved in song leading and the prayer meeting. They also have a tract ministry and Jackie is busy teaching children in Sunday school. Covey Hill Has supported the Hopkins family since 1985. Learn more about Baptist Church Planters at https://bcpusa.org/