[Below is a letter for Covey Hill Baptist Church to know what to expect when we do decide to resume worship gatherings.]
“For though the LORD is high, he regards the lowly…”
(Psalm 138:6 ESV)
Dear saints at Covey Hill,
I hope this letter finds you well, and that you have refreshment from the Spirit of our Lord. I am sure you are feeling tired of the endless news about coronavirus, as well as the strain of the restrictions to our everyday lives. I want to care for our church well and meet again as soon as possible, while also weighing the risks to our people accurately. So much of what I hear is contradicting news and opinion that constantly asks that we reevaluate what we thought. Every article, every video claims to have that latest and most accurate edge on the real story. There is one thing of which we are certain. The Lord has the whole story. He is Lord, and we are his people by faith in Christ Jesus. And he is with us through this trying and confusing time.
The board met on Tuesday, April 28th to discuss how we might alter our gatherings in light of recommended social distancing measures, in order to make them most accessible to the most people of our church body. The board has taken the guidelines of the CDC into consideration, while thinking creatively for implementing safety measures while still accepting the risks of meeting together. The following protocols will be implemented upon reopening:
· Face masks: Initially, and until otherwise noted, we will require that people wear face masks to services.[1] The church will have a small number on hand, but we ask people to please bring a mask if at all possible. We welcome donations of homemade face masks to offer to people who come that may not have one. This measure will not be in place long, but for now we feel it is the best practice in the short term.
· Social Distancing: We will mark off every other pew, and ask people to sit not closer than 6 feet apart in a pew during morning worship (other than members of the same household). We also ask that people suspend handshakes and hugs as greetings, and practice the 6-feet distancing recommendation.
· Transition to 2 Sunday services: To lower the number of people in the building at a given time, we plan to hold two services. The tentative plan is hold the first service at 9am for adults only (especially senior citizens and people with existing health concerns) and the second at 10:30am for families with young children. Pastor Dan would like to have online streaming available as well, and he is researching to find out if this possible. If not, Pastor will post a video message on Sundays for those who cannot yet attend. Either way, some sort of remote sermon or worship service will be available every week even after resuming gatherings for those who cannot yet attend.
· Sealed Communion packets will likely be used instead of passing the plates among the congregation.
· Offerings will be collected through using the wooden box with the slot in top and a way to place a small lock on it. For those not able to attend, they can continue to mail offerings to the church.
· Initially we will practice family worship (no nursery or children’s church available):
o Nursery will not have workers as before but will remain open for parents to change babies, nurse or otherwise care for little ones and then leave. It will not be available for the whole service time but rather for short visits, no drop offs, keeping social distancing in mind.
o Family worship time @ 10:30am will include worship bulletins for children.
As I write this, I hate having to take these measures. We mourn the freedom we had in our time together before this virus, and we look forward to when handshakes and hugs will be normal again. It will not be forever, but it certainly feels like it. And yet I would rather meet sooner with precautions, than wait until there is “no risk.” That point simply does not exist.
May I reiterate that this would be a temporary, initial set of guidelines we would implement, to be relaxed as soon as the board sees it is responsible to do so. And we are eager to relax them. We would rather meet sooner with some restrictions than wait longer to resume gathered worship.
I must also add, there are many of our church who will not feel comfortable meeting for some time. This particular virus does not evidence itself equally. For some it does not rise to the level even of a mild cold, and for others it is likely to hospitalize them or worse. And so it is imperative that our church body extend grace…grace, grace, grace!...as everyone will have different responses based on the perceived risks to their particular families.
Upon resuming services, I do not expect, nor do I encourage everyone to attend. You have the full support of your pastor and the board to stay home should you believe it is not yet time for your family to risk gathering. There is not one right response. Only faith in Christ is the right response. And some will, out of faith, trust the Lord while taking wise precautions, and others will, out of faith, not live with much concern over the virus. Let each live to God, and be understanding of the other! It is not the opinion of the board that the above proposal is how our church members should necessarily respond to this virus in the private life and daily business. It is merely what we insist on for the practice of gathered worship, for the moment, at our church facility.
Lastly, what about that big question: “But Pastor, …WHEN WILL SERVICES RESUME!?” That is the hardest decision to make. The board will have a remote video meeting on Tuesday, May 5th at 6:30pm to discuss the timing of when we will resume gatherings, and possibly choose a date for opening. Please keep us in prayer for this! And you will be notified as soon as there is a date.
As always, thank you for your patience. Please direct questions or concerns to Jake Dylhoff (chairman), Heath Flynn (vice chairman) Jeremy Thibos, OJ Hamilton, John Adriance, or Pastor Dan, and we will do our best to help.
May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Pastor Dan Wilson
[1] Exempt are children 2 years and under, and persons with breathing issues that make wearing a mask problematic.