
A Day to Fast and Pray: Saturday, April 4

Hi there, church family!

I have two related opportunities for you to consider. The first is to join me in a day of fasting and prayer this Saturday along with hundreds or thousands more. I will be fasting most of the day on Saturday, seeking the Lord for revival spiritually, for boldness in my own heart and the global church. You can find a guide for praying a morning, midday and evening prayer to the Lord, and more about the day of prayer here:

Second, I know many of you are missing our fellowship as believers right now. I know I miss you all terribly. And we need to seek our God with each other. I believe we need a moment to pray prayers of repentance, trust and hoping in the Lord.

We cannot meet in person, but we can still meet face to face! I’m hosting an informal time to pray together, for 30 minutes this Saturday. It will be from 1pm to 1:30 on an app called zoom. I can’t wait to hear your voices, for any who would be interested! Here is the invite information. (You can also call in over a phone. It would be like a conference call. That way it is not dependent on having internet access  More details at the link provided.)

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit

Sincerely Pastor Dan

Daniel Wilson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Covey Hill Group Prayer

Time: Apr 4, 2020 01:00 PM America/Detroit

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 862 760 953

Password: coveyhill