Current Events

Update on Service Cancellations

[UPDATED TIMEFRAME AS OF MARCH 26TH: Service is cancelled until a possible gathering on April 19th pending a lift on the current restrictions. Stay tuned, and thank you for your patience!]

Due to the Coronavirus situation, we are reluctantly suspending church services and activities through April 5th, (following the Governor’s executive order to not have gatherings of 50 or more people). This is to be wise concerning the wellness of our congregation, as well as to seek to honor the governing authorities. Pending favorable circumstances, we tentatively plan to resume gathering for the Lord's Day on April 12th, Easter Sunday!


For more updates, teaching, and connection, stay tuned to this blog, and our youtube channel linked below.


“The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.”

(2 Timothy 4:22 ESV)

Pastor Dan Wilson